Property Codes

One Smart QR Code for everything.

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How It Works

Create. Circulate. Scan. Sell.

1. Create.

One QR Code for all your properties.
Work with us to create your smart QR code. Our intelligent algorithm does the hardwork for you, linking clients to your properties.

2. Circulate

One Universal Sign, no app download required.
Be ahead of the competition, display your QR Code on your signs & marketing material!

3. Scan

Immediately provide property details to clients.
Get notified with their contact details. No more lost prospects.

Capture prospective buyers & passers-by with your QR code on the spot.

4. Sell!

More traffic, more sales.
Now there's fewer barriers to prospective clients seeing your listings and contacting you!


More prospective clients for you!

Our Benefits

Immediate Call to Action

Capture your clients immediately when they're outside your properties.

One Simple Reusable Solution

Universal QR code for all your properties & signs!

Data Analytics & Tracking

Understand your clients and what sells with big data opportunities.

No additional software required

No downloads or app required for you or your clients!

Make all your signs smart with www.Property.Codes!